The must-haves: women’s Bermuda shorts for summer 2023

Summer demands garments that have little, sometimes very little fabric. And while there are exceptions with long skirts and ankle-length dresses, pants tend to get shorter, even quite a lot. This applies to men, who now also go to work wearing above-the-knee trousers, and also to women. Summer 2023 in fact established the Bermuda shorts for her as the must-have of the summer.
In short, short trousers are no longer only used for outdoor occasions, from the beach to the woods. Perfect for out-of-town trips and visits to cities of art, today they are used daily, even for work: you just have to know how to combine them.
So here are a few tips on which models to keep in your wardrobe ready to show them off on days with the scorching sun.
The suit with Bermuda shorts
For those who always want to be elegant, even on the sultriest of days, always with an eye on the style of the moment, a suit with Bermuda shorts is the right choice. It is that summery but also formal look, masculine but with a touch of grace, perfect for work and able to get noticed. Choose a pastel-coloured suit, in shades of lilac or beige, to go with a light crop top or tank top.
If you want a slightly more aggressive outfit, you can opt for a narrow waist blazer; A few jewels and, as footwear, a heeled sandal will complete the picture.
I bermuda in jeans
Denim is the must-have all year round, so it cannot be missed even in summer in a lighter form. The denim bermuda is the ideal garment for leisure time in the city during the summer or on holiday, wherever you are. It’s easily paired with a dark tank top or a short shirt at the waist; on the feet, sandals with low and wide heels or even ballet flats. If instead you want to wear it for a formal evening, you can opt for heels, wanting also pumps.
The short Bermuda shorts
Classic Bermuda shorts reach to mid-thigh, stopping a few inches above the knee. For this summer 2023, however, it is better to have a slightly shorter model in your wardrobe; in short, something in between the classic short and the Bermuda shorts. In this case the legs of the shorts are a little wider, some models come almost giving the impression of a trouser skirt. Always a must are the pockets, which are not only tails but complete the pattern with that jaunty touch typical of short trousers.
Short Bermuda shorts usually fasten with a zip and button and do not require a belt; Of course you can add it, but if you choose a garment that fits you best, you can also leave it as it is.
Always plain, perhaps in a neutral colour, they are a must-have garment that is suitable for a variety of occasions. It’s great for leisure, shopping, drinks with girlfriends but also for the beach. You can pair it with a tshirt with prints worn inside or with a short top; for cool evenings you can also add a shirt knotted at the waist to cover the shoulders.
For shoes, a low footwear, such as flip-flops or ballet flats. You can also opt for a wedge if you like, but nothing too formal, as these Bermuda shorts are ideal for casual occasions.
Slenderizing the figure with a high-waisted garment
Not everyone feels like wearing shorts or Bermuda shorts, fearing that they will enlarge the figure a little. Actually you don’t need to give up any garment, you just need to know how to choose the right one to enhance your silhouette. If you have a curvy physique the secret is to choose high-waisted Bermuda shorts: they lift the waistline, slimming the figure, and then glide softly down the hips, hiding some excess roundness.
At the waist it can be completed with a ton-sur-ton ribbon belt to close with a bow, even on the side if you don’t like it sticking out the front. If you feel like the bow is too childish or draws too much attention from stares at your waist, just tie a knot and let the ends down the leg. A different way to wear Bermuda shorts that accompany the length of the leg by slimming it down.